A survey to investigate how native speakers of English pronounce the sounds written ‘tr’, ‘dr’, ‘str’

For each of the 84 words below, please indicate how you would normally pronounce the underlined sound, in natural conversation. Focus on pronunciation rather than spelling.

The results of the survey will be discussed in a forthcoming video. THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING!

(There is now also a follow-up survey, with 28 additional questions. If you have the time to spare, I’d be extremely grateful if you could complete that one too! The link will be repeated at the end of this survey.)

1. protrude *
2. draw *
3. disastrous *
4. trip *
5. classroom *
6. first-rate *
7. outrageous *
8. hydraulic *
9. hippodrome *
10. considerable *
11. third-rate *
12. translation *
13. tightrope *
14. tremendous *
15. boardroom *
16. abstract *
17. retreat *
18. boundary *
19. true *
20. dramatic *
21. electron *
22. hydrogen *
23. nutrition *
24. administering *
25. military *
26. restraint *
27. psychiatrist *
28. literature *
29. Srebrenica *
30. illustrate *
31. penetrate *
32. ventriloquist *
33. poetry *
34. billiard-room *
35. viceroy *
36. misread *
37. carbohydrate *
38. battery *
39. nitrate *
40. dust-wrapper *
41. train *
42. distributor *
43. ex-roommate *
44. dress *
45. horseracing *
46. history *
47. signet-ring *
48. outrage *
49. rhinoceros *
50. strong *
51. territory *
52. cathedral *
53. Sri Lanka *
54. bigotry *
55. pastry *
56. cross-reference *
57. traditional *
58. hatred *
59. Madrid *
60. portray *
61. night-rate *
62. registering *
63. children *
64. traumatic *
65. street *
66. wizardry *
67. frustration *
68. restaurant *
69. attraction *
70. industry *
71. monstrosity *
72. Landrover *
73. accessory *
74. launderette *
75. front-rank *
76. strategic *
77. adrenalin *
78. nutrient *
79. bedroom *
80. mystery *
81. android *
82. handwritten *
83. controversial *
84. maestro *
Nationality *
Please indicate your age group. *